Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2024
Generated 01-Jun-2024 03:02 MSK

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2024
Total Hits 534258
Total Files 446072
Total Pages 326145
Total Visits 127391
Total KBytes 11533605
Total Unique Sites 10157
Total Unique URLs 6216
Total Unique Referrers 3386
Total Unique User Agents 3123
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 718 6325
Hits per Day 17234 36852
Files per Day 14389 28135
Pages per Day 10520 24634
Sites per Day 327 1486
Visits per Day 4109 6251
KBytes per Day 372052 709912
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 83.49% 446072
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.04% 226
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.07% 354
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.13% 670
Code 403 - Forbidden 6.76% 36109
Code 404 - Not Found 9.48% 50665
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 4
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 0.01% 29
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.02% 129

Daily usage for May 2024

Daily Statistics for May 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 12631 2.36% 11145 2.50% 7329 2.25% 5313 4.17% 1486 14.63% 280391 2.43%
2 30252 5.66% 23670 5.31% 20127 6.17% 3736 2.93% 1405 13.83% 610741 5.30%
3 13095 2.45% 10962 2.46% 7665 2.35% 3432 2.69% 1137 11.19% 289547 2.51%
4 11328 2.12% 9148 2.05% 6134 1.88% 3237 2.54% 1314 12.94% 243795 2.11%
5 10278 1.92% 8978 2.01% 4988 1.53% 3112 2.44% 1416 13.94% 236949 2.05%
6 12090 2.26% 10630 2.38% 5473 1.68% 2796 2.19% 1263 12.43% 252396 2.19%
7 24324 4.55% 18806 4.22% 16292 5.00% 3441 2.70% 1191 11.73% 515848 4.47%
8 15284 2.86% 14076 3.16% 12281 3.77% 3032 2.38% 598 5.89% 354806 3.08%
9 15337 2.87% 12512 2.80% 10909 3.34% 5427 4.26% 1143 11.25% 322550 2.80%
10 17540 3.28% 14835 3.33% 11244 3.45% 3534 2.77% 998 9.83% 392776 3.41%
11 12368 2.31% 11029 2.47% 7500 2.30% 4766 3.74% 1284 12.64% 286113 2.48%
12 11390 2.13% 10336 2.32% 6013 1.84% 3811 2.99% 1104 10.87% 266060 2.31%
13 13862 2.59% 12478 2.80% 7893 2.42% 3367 2.64% 1063 10.47% 310725 2.69%
14 27969 5.24% 22055 4.94% 17258 5.29% 3817 3.00% 1115 10.98% 559954 4.85%
15 14485 2.71% 13009 2.92% 7726 2.37% 3645 2.86% 1180 11.62% 310138 2.69%
16 12622 2.36% 10648 2.39% 5761 1.77% 3183 2.50% 1124 11.07% 280142 2.43%
17 18686 3.50% 15475 3.47% 10924 3.35% 3942 3.09% 1252 12.33% 366821 3.18%
18 21311 3.99% 16687 3.74% 13756 4.22% 4235 3.32% 1221 12.02% 434948 3.77%
19 10789 2.02% 9069 2.03% 5879 1.80% 3087 2.42% 1170 11.52% 231333 2.01%
20 12659 2.37% 10933 2.45% 6025 1.85% 3150 2.47% 1271 12.51% 274645 2.38%
21 28194 5.28% 22191 4.97% 18277 5.60% 3545 2.78% 1115 10.98% 573985 4.98%
22 15357 2.87% 13658 3.06% 8055 2.47% 4787 3.76% 1095 10.78% 354018 3.07%
23 14503 2.71% 12515 2.81% 7751 2.38% 3518 2.76% 1054 10.38% 323733 2.81%
24 17428 3.26% 14713 3.30% 10599 3.25% 3695 2.90% 1043 10.27% 390403 3.38%
25 21182 3.96% 16688 3.74% 14125 4.33% 5854 4.60% 1159 11.41% 432443 3.75%
26 13573 2.54% 12018 2.69% 9073 2.78% 5136 4.03% 1191 11.73% 317582 2.75%
27 15419 2.89% 13810 3.10% 8750 2.68% 6251 4.91% 1322 13.02% 354552 3.07%
28 36852 6.90% 28135 6.31% 24634 7.55% 6051 4.75% 1326 13.06% 709912 6.16%
29 19678 3.68% 17447 3.91% 13752 4.22% 5641 4.43% 1172 11.54% 487531 4.23%
30 12827 2.40% 10764 2.41% 5927 1.82% 3701 2.91% 850 8.37% 282866 2.45%
31 20945 3.92% 17652 3.96% 14025 4.30% 5156 4.05% 992 9.77% 485900 4.21%

Hourly usage for May 2024

Hourly Statistics for May 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 695 21567 4.04% 563 17461 3.91% 481 14929 4.58% 15289 473961 4.11%
1 520 16136 3.02% 422 13083 2.93% 357 11097 3.40% 11972 371138 3.22%
2 408 12662 2.37% 343 10653 2.39% 297 9216 2.83% 9110 282403 2.45%
3 522 16210 3.03% 463 14353 3.22% 428 13286 4.07% 12490 387198 3.36%
4 456 14144 2.65% 382 11851 2.66% 312 9685 2.97% 11742 364009 3.16%
5 581 18034 3.38% 499 15487 3.47% 429 13323 4.08% 14025 434761 3.77%
6 453 14057 2.63% 405 12571 2.82% 297 9209 2.82% 10821 335445 2.91%
7 495 15355 2.87% 448 13908 3.12% 296 9194 2.82% 11876 368156 3.19%
8 563 17483 3.27% 497 15435 3.46% 294 9121 2.80% 12445 385798 3.34%
9 636 19721 3.69% 556 17256 3.87% 315 9788 3.00% 13054 404689 3.51%
10 1224 37952 7.10% 1014 31440 7.05% 785 24362 7.47% 25344 785660 6.81%
11 1114 34545 6.47% 874 27107 6.08% 652 20228 6.20% 22764 705691 6.12%
12 1079 33474 6.27% 846 26249 5.88% 626 19434 5.96% 22086 684673 5.94%
13 1099 34078 6.38% 852 26420 5.92% 647 20084 6.16% 21963 680838 5.90%
14 747 23160 4.33% 649 20144 4.52% 417 12928 3.96% 15614 484032 4.20%
15 657 20384 3.82% 565 17520 3.93% 352 10913 3.35% 13840 429042 3.72%
16 890 27607 5.17% 729 22599 5.07% 517 16049 4.92% 19267 597286 5.18%
17 806 25013 4.68% 631 19580 4.39% 456 14149 4.34% 16662 516516 4.48%
18 612 18990 3.55% 522 16198 3.63% 345 10718 3.29% 12836 397911 3.45%
19 484 15019 2.81% 431 13375 3.00% 253 7868 2.41% 11049 342516 2.97%
20 525 16301 3.05% 472 14648 3.28% 241 7500 2.30% 11170 346282 3.00%
21 735 22804 4.27% 669 20741 4.65% 467 14479 4.44% 16310 505620 4.38%
22 1055 32728 6.13% 881 27322 6.13% 714 22134 6.79% 22545 698910 6.06%
23 865 26834 5.02% 666 20671 4.63% 530 16451 5.04% 17776 551070 4.78%

Top 30 of 6216 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 12321 2.31% 279554 2.42% /news/news.phtml
2 10498 1.96% 32944 0.29% /news/print/
3 9736 1.82% 256352 2.22% /
4 7391 1.38% 397 0.00% /robots.txt
5 5408 1.01% 145612 1.26% /public/art/tom12/sample_art.phtml
6 5248 0.98% 136183 1.18% /public/art/tom16/sample_art.phtml
7 4202 0.79% 112062 0.97% /public/art/tom14/sample_art.phtml
8 4182 0.78% 9608 0.08% /medline-4/pattern4/main.css
9 4178 0.78% 110997 0.96% /public/art/tom13/sample_art.phtml
10 3814 0.71% 111681 0.97% /public/art/tom24/sample_art.phtml
11 3502 0.66% 98094 0.85% /public/art/tom21/sample_art.phtml
12 3343 0.63% 93437 0.81% /public/art/tom19/sample_art.phtml
13 2979 0.56% 80091 0.69% /public/art/tom15/sample_art.phtml
14 2894 0.54% 1124 0.01% /css/main-new.css
15 2882 0.54% 54364 0.47% /public/new/
16 2624 0.49% 6039 0.05% /medline-4/pattern4/main_mob.css
17 2433 0.46% 46067 0.40% /bshop/sampleall/
18 2432 0.46% 58531 0.51% /public/art/tom11/sample_art.phtml
19 1886 0.35% 54264 0.47% /public/art/tom22/sample_art.phtml
20 1839 0.34% 60067 0.52% /public/art/tom23/sample_art.phtml
21 1834 0.34% 43130 0.37% /public/last/
22 1784 0.33% 120460 1.04% /public/engvers.phtml
23 1664 0.31% 122261 1.06% /search/art/
24 1650 0.31% 180759 1.57% /public/new/autors.phtml
25 1642 0.31% 124154 1.08% /public/clinic/hirurg/oncology.phtml
26 1640 0.31% 255260 2.21% /public/clinic/terap/toxicology.phtml
27 1636 0.31% 23285 0.20% /public/new/mail/
28 1618 0.30% 65674 0.57% /public/clinic/terap/haematology.phtml
29 1617 0.30% 48338 0.42% /public/clinic/hirurg/ophthalmology.phtml
30 1604 0.30% 100115 0.87% /public/clinic/hirurg/surgery.phtml

Top 10 of 6216 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1532 0.29% 320685 2.78% /public/razdels/clinmed.phtml
2 1027 0.19% 303163 2.63% /bshop/search/
3 12321 2.31% 279554 2.42% /news/news.phtml
4 9736 1.82% 256352 2.22% /
5 1640 0.31% 255260 2.21% /public/clinic/terap/toxicology.phtml
6 1440 0.27% 194113 1.68% /public/razdels/fizhimbio.phtml
7 1650 0.31% 180759 1.57% /public/new/autors.phtml
8 5408 1.01% 145612 1.26% /public/art/tom12/sample_art.phtml
9 5248 0.98% 136183 1.18% /public/art/tom16/sample_art.phtml
10 1642 0.31% 124154 1.08% /public/clinic/hirurg/oncology.phtml

Top 10 of 3952 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 9736 1.82% 8384 6.88% /
2 12321 2.31% 3998 3.28% /news/news.phtml
3 10498 1.96% 2358 1.94% /news/print/
4 5408 1.01% 1659 1.36% /public/art/tom12/sample_art.phtml
5 5248 0.98% 1626 1.33% /public/art/tom16/sample_art.phtml
6 2433 0.46% 1460 1.20% /bshop/sampleall/
7 4202 0.79% 1375 1.13% /public/art/tom14/sample_art.phtml
8 4178 0.78% 1317 1.08% /public/art/tom13/sample_art.phtml
9 2882 0.54% 1274 1.05% /public/new/
10 3814 0.71% 1219 1.00% /public/art/tom24/sample_art.phtml

Top 10 of 3968 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 9736 1.82% 6633 5.45% /
2 12321 2.31% 4105 3.37% /news/news.phtml
3 10498 1.96% 2397 1.97% /news/print/
4 2882 0.54% 1884 1.55% /public/new/
5 5248 0.98% 1709 1.40% /public/art/tom16/sample_art.phtml
6 5408 1.01% 1630 1.34% /public/art/tom12/sample_art.phtml
7 2433 0.46% 1429 1.17% /bshop/sampleall/
8 4202 0.79% 1359 1.12% /public/art/tom14/sample_art.phtml
9 4178 0.78% 1339 1.10% /public/art/tom13/sample_art.phtml
10 3814 0.71% 1199 0.98% /public/art/tom24/sample_art.phtml

Top 30 of 10157 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 167520 31.36% 136321 30.56% 2775655 24.07% 12548 9.85% Invalid
2 61628 11.54% 44442 9.96% 1158484 10.04% 515 0.40%
3 31359 5.87% 29910 6.71% 1663265 14.42% 1530 1.20%
4 15004 2.81% 10936 2.45% 373677 3.24% 4554 3.57%
5 10216 1.91% 8308 1.86% 195296 1.69% 27 0.02%
6 6227 1.17% 4639 1.04% 165180 1.43% 3838 3.01%
7 6065 1.14% 4370 0.98% 154971 1.34% 1706 1.34%
8 5734 1.07% 5123 1.15% 126310 1.10% 1 0.00%
9 4716 0.88% 3334 0.75% 82865 0.72% 440 0.35%
10 4658 0.87% 3784 0.85% 129827 1.13% 2949 2.31%
11 4636 0.87% 3350 0.75% 85623 0.74% 471 0.37%
12 4453 0.83% 3141 0.70% 78811 0.68% 464 0.36%
13 3730 0.70% 2659 0.60% 94049 0.82% 1258 0.99%
14 2613 0.49% 2456 0.55% 65254 0.57% 9 0.01%
15 2558 0.48% 1940 0.43% 67150 0.58% 1552 1.22%
16 2322 0.43% 1973 0.44% 59028 0.51% 890 0.70%
17 2013 0.38% 1975 0.44% 45243 0.39% 10 0.01%
18 1851 0.35% 1571 0.35% 39650 0.34% 369 0.29%
19 1811 0.34% 1515 0.34% 43529 0.38% 888 0.70%
20 1629 0.30% 1185 0.27% 44226 0.38% 1040 0.82%
21 1469 0.27% 1094 0.25% 36751 0.32% 1032 0.81%
22 1363 0.26% 1260 0.28% 30807 0.27% 154 0.12%
23 1336 0.25% 1072 0.24% 31010 0.27% 772 0.61%
24 970 0.18% 713 0.16% 29924 0.26% 695 0.55%
25 961 0.18% 667 0.15% 23042 0.20% 268 0.21%
26 799 0.15% 737 0.17% 23901 0.21% 363 0.28%
27 764 0.14% 643 0.14% 18671 0.16% 34 0.03%
28 553 0.10% 401 0.09% 13523 0.12% 197 0.15%
29 542 0.10% 542 0.12% 14249 0.12% 4 0.00%
30 518 0.10% 479 0.11% 14766 0.13% 317 0.25%

Top 10 of 10157 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 167520 31.36% 136321 30.56% 2775655 24.07% 12548 9.85% Invalid
2 31359 5.87% 29910 6.71% 1663265 14.42% 1530 1.20%
3 61628 11.54% 44442 9.96% 1158484 10.04% 515 0.40%
4 15004 2.81% 10936 2.45% 373677 3.24% 4554 3.57%
5 10216 1.91% 8308 1.86% 195296 1.69% 27 0.02%
6 6227 1.17% 4639 1.04% 165180 1.43% 3838 3.01%
7 6065 1.14% 4370 0.98% 154971 1.34% 1706 1.34%
8 4658 0.87% 3784 0.85% 129827 1.13% 2949 2.31%
9 5734 1.07% 5123 1.15% 126310 1.10% 1 0.00%
10 3730 0.70% 2659 0.60% 94049 0.82% 1258 0.99%

Top 30 of 3386 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 377597 70.68% - (Direct Request)
2 3427 0.64%
3 2607 0.49%
4 311 0.06%
5 276 0.05%
6 263 0.05%
7 156 0.03%
8 76 0.01%
9 69 0.01%
10 56 0.01%
11 53 0.01%
12 46 0.01%
13 43 0.01%
14 40 0.01%
15 37 0.01%
16 37 0.01%
17 36 0.01%
18 35 0.01%
19 35 0.01%
20 33 0.01%
21 32 0.01%
22 27 0.01%
23 26 0.00%
24 25 0.00%
25 15 0.00%
26 15 0.00%
27 15 0.00%
28 14 0.00% MEDLINE.RU
29 14 0.00%
30 13 0.00%

Top 20 of 137 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 11 4.55%
2 9 3.72%
3 9 3.72%
4 9 3.72% Психологические особенности детей переживших онкологические заболе
5 8 3.31%
6 7 2.89%
7 7 2.89%
8 6 2.48%
9 6 2.48%
10 5 2.07%
11 5 2.07%
12 5 2.07%
13 5 2.07%
14 4 1.65%
15 3 1.24%
16 3 1.24% medline
17 3 1.24% эверолимус мониторинг
18 2 0.83%
19 2 0.83%
20 2 0.83%

Top 15 of 3123 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 121511 22.74% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.86 Safari/537.36
2 35123 6.57% Googlebot/2.1 (+
3 31359 5.87% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:57.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/57.0
4 21022 3.93% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
5 16283 3.05% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
6 15181 2.84% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
7 13805 2.58% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
8 13487 2.52% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ YaBrowser/ Safari/5
9 12278 2.30% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
10 11785 2.21% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
11 11712 2.19% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.4.1 Mobile/15E14
12 11376 2.13% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
13 10340 1.94% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +
14 10216 1.91% serpstatbot/2.1 (advanced backlink tracking bot;;
15 5860 1.10% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;

Usage by Country for May 2024

Top 30 of 85 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 208052 38.94% 170520 38.23% 4717111 40.90% Commercial (com)
2 183231 34.30% 147913 33.16% 3048742 26.43% Unresolved/Unknown
3 91257 17.08% 83993 18.83% 2758711 23.92% Russian Federation
4 22296 4.17% 18557 4.16% 483598 4.19% Network (net)
5 13354 2.50% 11151 2.50% 265326 2.30% Germany
6 5182 0.97% 4854 1.09% 116413 1.01% European Union
7 2570 0.48% 2374 0.53% 39474 0.34% Belarus
8 2110 0.39% 1977 0.44% 23896 0.21% Kazakhstan
9 1432 0.27% 1355 0.30% 16376 0.14% Kyrgyzstan
10 544 0.10% 507 0.11% 8882 0.08% Uzbekistan
11 329 0.06% 300 0.07% 5089 0.04% Non-Profit (org)
12 253 0.05% 181 0.04% 6251 0.05% United States
13 240 0.04% 229 0.05% 1988 0.02% Poland
14 234 0.04% 219 0.05% 2297 0.02% Soviet Union
15 221 0.04% 200 0.04% 1580 0.01% Professional (pro)
16 193 0.04% 143 0.03% 1848 0.02% Turks and Caicos Islands
17 166 0.03% 76 0.02% 1313 0.01% Armenia
18 149 0.03% 22 0.00% 2591 0.02% Colombia
19 146 0.03% 18 0.00% 413 0.00% Brazil
20 141 0.03% 13 0.00% 311 0.00% Japan
21 136 0.03% 128 0.03% 7422 0.06% Czech Republic
22 129 0.02% 1 0.00% 202 0.00% Indonesia
23 126 0.02% 0 0.00% 198 0.00% Cameroon
24 118 0.02% 108 0.02% 1730 0.01% Address Routing (arpa)
25 116 0.02% 112 0.03% 1730 0.02% Moldova
26 103 0.02% 96 0.02% 1518 0.01% Estonia
27 102 0.02% 94 0.02% 718 0.01% Montenegro
28 100 0.02% 96 0.02% 477 0.00% France
29 73 0.01% 67 0.02% 1079 0.01% Ukraine
30 67 0.01% 57 0.01% 3480 0.03% Hungary

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23