Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: August 2024
Generated 31-Aug-2024 01:00 MSK

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for August 2024
Total Hits 344320
Total Files 223769
Total Pages 222057
Total Visits 56837
Total KBytes 5138129
Total Unique Sites 21207
Total Unique URLs 25853
Total Unique Referrers 3148
Total Unique User Agents 3089
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 462 3987
Hits per Day 11107 27991
Files per Day 7218 22162
Pages per Day 7163 20985
Sites per Day 684 2429
Visits per Day 1833 3091
KBytes per Day 165746 520814
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 64.99% 223769
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.47% 1616
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 14.21% 48928
Code 302 - Found 0.02% 56
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.03% 112
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.47% 1605
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.17% 584
Code 404 - Not Found 18.22% 62730
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 6
Code 408 - Request Timeout 1.36% 4690
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.07% 224

Daily usage for August 2024

Daily Statistics for August 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 13775 4.00% 9855 4.40% 6490 2.92% 2524 4.44% 2247 10.60% 199118 3.88%
2 17363 5.04% 12050 5.39% 9141 4.12% 2750 4.84% 2219 10.46% 232176 4.52%
3 21511 6.25% 14360 6.42% 12651 5.70% 2727 4.80% 2109 9.94% 289087 5.63%
4 1308 0.38% 518 0.23% 899 0.40% 390 0.69% 420 1.98% 7440 0.14%
5 814 0.24% 167 0.07% 685 0.31% 340 0.60% 352 1.66% 3890 0.08%
6 20178 5.86% 11846 5.29% 10944 4.93% 3081 5.42% 2429 11.45% 233299 4.54%
7 1599 0.46% 734 0.33% 1009 0.45% 395 0.69% 463 2.18% 14285 0.28%
8 616 0.18% 147 0.07% 519 0.23% 302 0.53% 308 1.45% 2968 0.06%
9 636 0.18% 150 0.07% 512 0.23% 273 0.48% 289 1.36% 3241 0.06%
10 12833 3.73% 8261 3.69% 8534 3.84% 2429 4.27% 1954 9.21% 202233 3.94%
11 18713 5.43% 14059 6.28% 12303 5.54% 2579 4.54% 1963 9.26% 337951 6.58%
12 1258 0.37% 496 0.22% 1039 0.47% 450 0.79% 474 2.24% 11008 0.21%
13 14602 4.24% 10226 4.57% 9938 4.48% 2163 3.81% 1991 9.39% 237887 4.63%
14 14641 4.25% 8762 3.92% 10644 4.79% 2696 4.74% 1897 8.95% 214417 4.17%
15 11711 3.40% 5392 2.41% 7000 3.15% 2273 4.00% 2057 9.70% 119514 2.33%
16 22841 6.63% 17392 7.77% 13434 6.05% 3028 5.33% 2221 10.47% 459450 8.94%
17 14137 4.11% 6491 2.90% 9168 4.13% 2311 4.07% 2021 9.53% 166541 3.24%
18 13755 3.99% 7722 3.45% 9944 4.48% 2356 4.15% 1900 8.96% 185543 3.61%
19 17423 5.06% 12576 5.62% 11078 4.99% 2642 4.65% 2148 10.13% 282917 5.51%
20 1549 0.45% 309 0.14% 1291 0.58% 420 0.74% 470 2.22% 10211 0.20%
21 14614 4.24% 8688 3.88% 9274 4.18% 2827 4.97% 2215 10.44% 206107 4.01%
22 20978 6.09% 15870 7.09% 16960 7.64% 2307 4.06% 1735 8.18% 346118 6.74%
23 1127 0.33% 412 0.18% 883 0.40% 298 0.52% 385 1.82% 10063 0.20%
24 14585 4.24% 8957 4.00% 9772 4.40% 2761 4.86% 1794 8.46% 216546 4.21%
25 1062 0.31% 383 0.17% 725 0.33% 339 0.60% 402 1.90% 8417 0.16%
26 13789 4.00% 7564 3.38% 8349 3.76% 2988 5.26% 2057 9.70% 177431 3.45%
27 27991 8.13% 22162 9.90% 20985 9.45% 3083 5.42% 1476 6.96% 520814 10.14%
28 15799 4.59% 10658 4.76% 10259 4.62% 3091 5.44% 1955 9.22% 256834 5.00%
29 1156 0.34% 404 0.18% 906 0.41% 428 0.75% 484 2.28% 9893 0.19%
30 11596 3.37% 6951 3.11% 6466 2.91% 2841 5.00% 2080 9.81% 167729 3.26%
31 360 0.10% 207 0.09% 255 0.11% 128 0.23% 168 0.79% 5002 0.10%

Hourly usage for August 2024

Hourly Statistics for August 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 445 13819 4.01% 292 9068 4.05% 284 8825 3.97% 6390 198098 3.86%
1 455 14130 4.10% 255 7917 3.54% 209 6502 2.93% 6477 200785 3.91%
2 382 11847 3.44% 268 8310 3.71% 251 7802 3.51% 6243 193522 3.77%
3 489 15160 4.40% 366 11348 5.07% 278 8631 3.89% 8456 262127 5.10%
4 527 16357 4.75% 401 12461 5.57% 321 9966 4.49% 10599 328567 6.39%
5 434 13472 3.91% 303 9412 4.21% 298 9250 4.17% 7031 217958 4.24%
6 431 13369 3.88% 291 9035 4.04% 278 8627 3.89% 6647 206066 4.01%
7 502 15592 4.53% 286 8875 3.97% 277 8596 3.87% 6965 215915 4.20%
8 401 12451 3.62% 256 7965 3.56% 244 7569 3.41% 5899 182858 3.56%
9 409 12684 3.68% 267 8305 3.71% 273 8489 3.82% 6092 188859 3.68%
10 475 14734 4.28% 304 9425 4.21% 286 8871 3.99% 6952 215506 4.19%
11 420 13044 3.79% 261 8100 3.62% 270 8375 3.77% 5933 183911 3.58%
12 397 12312 3.58% 247 7662 3.42% 271 8424 3.79% 5840 181042 3.52%
13 553 17166 4.99% 326 10124 4.52% 404 12547 5.65% 7253 224831 4.38%
14 467 14500 4.21% 293 9109 4.07% 352 10920 4.92% 6612 204963 3.99%
15 493 15283 4.44% 298 9267 4.14% 352 10939 4.93% 6624 205349 4.00%
16 559 17349 5.04% 360 11175 4.99% 356 11056 4.98% 8269 256345 4.99%
17 439 13613 3.95% 278 8621 3.85% 294 9124 4.11% 5961 184787 3.60%
18 474 14702 4.27% 307 9533 4.26% 306 9491 4.27% 6662 206507 4.02%
19 569 17641 5.12% 394 12229 5.47% 367 11388 5.13% 9018 279564 5.44%
20 468 14526 4.22% 300 9316 4.16% 299 9272 4.18% 6780 210185 4.09%
21 442 13723 3.99% 292 9055 4.05% 299 9286 4.18% 6397 198322 3.86%
22 429 13312 3.87% 275 8530 3.81% 290 9010 4.06% 6202 192276 3.74%
23 436 13534 3.93% 287 8927 3.99% 293 9097 4.10% 6445 199787 3.89%

Top 30 of 25853 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 11893 3.45% 379953 7.39% /
2 7549 2.19% 269054 5.24% /forum/razdel/read/
3 6583 1.91% 4026 0.08% /robots.txt
4 5519 1.60% 163291 3.18% /forum/razdel/
5 1593 0.46% 56390 1.10% /joker/humorpic/
6 1543 0.45% 25168 0.49% /sprav/spr_system/bolezni/alph.phtml
7 1229 0.36% 41502 0.81% /forum/10.html
8 1081 0.31% 20609 0.40% /mednews/conf.phtml
9 1059 0.31% 44587 0.87% /mednews/arhiv/
10 1003 0.29% 4267 0.08% /pattern3/main.css
11 657 0.19% 4167 0.08% /mednews/news.xml
12 503 0.15% 14988 0.29% /medsprav/
13 500 0.15% 10128 0.20% /mednews/read/
14 469 0.14% 11431 0.22% /sprav/spr_system/bolezni/res-1.phtml
15 414 0.12% 329 0.01% /bshop/sampleall/
16 352 0.10% 9579 0.19% /mednews/
17 253 0.07% 2039 0.04% /forum/razdel/new/
18 247 0.07% 5260 0.10% /mednews/7817.html
19 235 0.07% 4567 0.09% /onas/rek.phtml
20 206 0.06% 3741 0.07% /mailto/
21 205 0.06% 3797 0.07% /onas/
22 198 0.06% 3984 0.08% /sovety/
23 187 0.05% 4547 0.09% /sprav/
24 168 0.05% 4346 0.08% /narodmed/
25 167 0.05% 6 0.00% /joker/kurnews/read/
26 162 0.05% 1416 0.03% /forum/qu/
27 155 0.05% 517 0.01% /pattern2/main.css
28 154 0.04% 2423 0.05% /forum/razdel/58.html
29 152 0.04% 2826 0.06% /forum/
30 150 0.04% 2690 0.05% /medtech/

Top 10 of 25853 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 11893 3.45% 379953 7.39% /
2 7549 2.19% 269054 5.24% /forum/razdel/read/
3 5519 1.60% 163291 3.18% /forum/razdel/
4 27 0.01% 80245 1.56% /mednews/arhiv/search/
5 1593 0.46% 56390 1.10% /joker/humorpic/
6 1059 0.31% 44587 0.87% /mednews/arhiv/
7 1229 0.36% 41502 0.81% /forum/10.html
8 1543 0.45% 25168 0.49% /sprav/spr_system/bolezni/alph.phtml
9 1081 0.31% 20609 0.40% /mednews/conf.phtml
10 84 0.02% 18172 0.35% /sovety/prof/art_01.pdf

Top 10 of 11378 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 11893 3.45% 14887 29.81% /
2 7549 2.19% 4474 8.96% /forum/razdel/read/
3 5519 1.60% 2829 5.66% /forum/razdel/
4 414 0.12% 389 0.78% /bshop/sampleall/
5 500 0.15% 385 0.77% /mednews/read/
6 352 0.10% 275 0.55% /mednews/
7 1059 0.31% 234 0.47% /mednews/arhiv/
8 1593 0.46% 215 0.43% /joker/humorpic/
9 503 0.15% 178 0.36% /medsprav/
10 1229 0.36% 162 0.32% /forum/10.html

Top 10 of 11469 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 11893 3.45% 14588 29.21% /
2 7549 2.19% 3632 7.27% /forum/razdel/read/
3 5519 1.60% 2783 5.57% /forum/razdel/
4 1229 0.36% 862 1.73% /forum/10.html
5 500 0.15% 449 0.90% /mednews/read/
6 414 0.12% 390 0.78% /bshop/sampleall/
7 352 0.10% 287 0.57% /mednews/
8 1059 0.31% 240 0.48% /mednews/arhiv/
9 1593 0.46% 216 0.43% /joker/humorpic/
10 503 0.15% 180 0.36% /medsprav/

Top 30 of 21207 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 15711 4.56% 0 0.00% 138 0.00% 12 0.02%
2 9980 2.90% 9356 4.18% 202555 3.94% 302 0.53%
3 8212 2.38% 8110 3.62% 184894 3.60% 25 0.04%
4 8091 2.35% 7989 3.57% 180996 3.52% 30 0.05%
5 7705 2.24% 7592 3.39% 177035 3.45% 33 0.06%
6 2504 0.73% 2445 1.09% 63671 1.24% 1 0.00%
7 2503 0.73% 2459 1.10% 64513 1.26% 1 0.00%
8 2402 0.70% 158 0.07% 1868 0.04% 303 0.53%
9 1777 0.52% 386 0.17% 11778 0.23% 2 0.00%
10 1742 0.51% 670 0.30% 16098 0.31% 67 0.12%
11 1717 0.50% 1 0.00% 15 0.00% 1 0.00%
12 1670 0.49% 1067 0.48% 22410 0.44% 3 0.01%
13 1597 0.46% 1563 0.70% 38558 0.75% 141 0.25%
14 1324 0.38% 373 0.17% 7648 0.15% 2 0.00%
15 1302 0.38% 4 0.00% 141 0.00% 3 0.01%
16 1294 0.38% 469 0.21% 13967 0.27% 3 0.01%
17 1290 0.37% 1270 0.57% 29103 0.57% 154 0.27%
18 1238 0.36% 933 0.42% 19727 0.38% 6 0.01%
19 1175 0.34% 1171 0.52% 27153 0.53% 136 0.24%
20 1154 0.34% 1154 0.52% 27004 0.53% 129 0.23%
21 1154 0.34% 1119 0.50% 28489 0.55% 87 0.15%
22 1135 0.33% 1103 0.49% 27148 0.53% 88 0.15%
23 1131 0.33% 1098 0.49% 27629 0.54% 87 0.15%
24 1127 0.33% 1082 0.48% 26363 0.51% 89 0.16%
25 1122 0.33% 1121 0.50% 26004 0.51% 154 0.27%
26 1110 0.32% 1082 0.48% 26516 0.52% 87 0.15%
27 1106 0.32% 14 0.01% 505 0.01% 2 0.00%
28 1095 0.32% 1091 0.49% 25620 0.50% 121 0.21%
29 1094 0.32% 1054 0.47% 26047 0.51% 87 0.15%
30 1089 0.32% 1087 0.49% 25167 0.49% 130 0.23%

Top 10 of 21207 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 9980 2.90% 9356 4.18% 202555 3.94% 302 0.53%
2 8212 2.38% 8110 3.62% 184894 3.60% 25 0.04%
3 8091 2.35% 7989 3.57% 180996 3.52% 30 0.05%
4 7705 2.24% 7592 3.39% 177035 3.45% 33 0.06%
5 2503 0.73% 2459 1.10% 64513 1.26% 1 0.00%
6 2504 0.73% 2445 1.09% 63671 1.24% 1 0.00%
7 1597 0.46% 1563 0.70% 38558 0.75% 141 0.25%
8 1050 0.30% 1031 0.46% 29605 0.58% 170 0.30%
9 859 0.25% 859 0.38% 29125 0.57% 62 0.11%
10 1290 0.37% 1270 0.57% 29103 0.57% 154 0.27%

Top 30 of 3148 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 257807 74.87% - (Direct Request)
2 16119 4.68%
3 2703 0.79%
4 2479 0.72%
5 1909 0.55%
6 1756 0.51%
7 1320 0.38%
8 1296 0.38%
9 1236 0.36%
10 1127 0.33%
11 846 0.25%
12 711 0.21%
13 689 0.20%
14 637 0.19%
15 526 0.15%
16 512 0.15%
17 512 0.15%
18 470 0.14%
19 463 0.13%
20 423 0.12%
21 386 0.11%
22 374 0.11%
23 370 0.11%
24 358 0.10%
25 358 0.10%
26 358 0.10%
27 354 0.10%
28 354 0.10%
29 354 0.10%
30 350 0.10%

Top 13 of 13 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 3 13.04%
2 3 13.04%
3 3 13.04%
4 3 13.04%
5 3 13.04%
6 1 4.35%
7 1 4.35%
8 1 4.35%
9 1 4.35%
10 1 4.35%
11 1 4.35%
12 1 4.35%
13 1 4.35%

Top 15 of 3089 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 40490 11.76% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
2 30595 8.89% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
3 23913 6.94% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
4 18826 5.47% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +
5 16850 4.89% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
6 15290 4.44% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
7 14442 4.19% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Bytespider; AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Sa
8 11875 3.45% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
9 10910 3.17% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; + AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/
10 8931 2.59% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Linux x86_64; Mail.RU_Bot/2.0; +
11 5577 1.62% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/127.0.6533.99 Mobile
12 5007 1.45% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SeekportBot; +
13 4934 1.43% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/126.0.6478.182 Mobile
14 4561 1.32% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/127.0.6533.119 Mobile
15 4454 1.29% Googlebot/2.1 (+

Usage by Country for August 2024

Top 14 of 14 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 341254 99.11% 223678 99.96% 5091936 99.10% Unresolved/Unknown
2 2670 0.78% 1449 0.65% 41146 0.80% Commercial (com)
3 247 0.07% 179 0.08% 3739 0.07% Russian Federation
4 88 0.03% 31 0.01% 543 0.01% Network (net)
5 16 0.00% 16 0.01% 92 0.00% Serbia
6 13 0.00% 13 0.01% 310 0.01% Germany
7 11 0.00% 8 0.00% 126 0.00% European Union
8 7 0.00% 5 0.00% 59 0.00% Non-Profit (org)
9 5 0.00% 1 0.00% 2 0.00% Czech Republic
10 4 0.00% 3 0.00% 136 0.00% China
11 2 0.00% 1 0.00% 7 0.00% Belarus
12 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Brazil
13 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Italy
14 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 34 0.00% Viet Nam

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23