Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: February 2021
Generated 01-Mar-2021 03:02 MSK

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for February 2021
Total Hits 40044
Total Files 38480
Total Pages 15493
Total Visits 8538
Total KBytes 616074
Total Unique Sites 1914
Total Unique URLs 256
Total Unique Referrers 359
Total Unique Usernames 1
Total Unique User Agents 1097
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 59 432
Hits per Day 1430 2259
Files per Day 1374 2201
Pages per Day 553 986
Sites per Day 68 284
Visits per Day 304 455
KBytes per Day 22003 38733
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 96.09% 38480
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.29% 115
Code 303 - See Other 1.27% 508
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.03% 13
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.05% 21
Code 404 - Not Found 2.27% 907

Daily usage for February 2021

Daily Statistics for February 2021
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 2026 5.06% 1951 5.07% 674 4.35% 282 3.30% 178 9.30% 30950 5.02%
2 1861 4.65% 1791 4.65% 641 4.14% 348 4.08% 222 11.60% 29000 4.71%
3 795 1.99% 770 2.00% 378 2.44% 281 3.29% 184 9.61% 11940 1.94%
4 1122 2.80% 1069 2.78% 568 3.67% 335 3.92% 165 8.62% 17966 2.92%
5 1348 3.37% 1291 3.35% 678 4.38% 218 2.55% 138 7.21% 22353 3.63%
6 919 2.29% 820 2.13% 539 3.48% 209 2.45% 146 7.63% 16648 2.70%
7 795 1.99% 722 1.88% 427 2.76% 209 2.45% 174 9.09% 13796 2.24%
8 1399 3.49% 1276 3.32% 613 3.96% 399 4.67% 185 9.67% 23136 3.76%
9 836 2.09% 799 2.08% 430 2.78% 263 3.08% 172 8.99% 14555 2.36%
10 826 2.06% 796 2.07% 323 2.08% 262 3.07% 167 8.73% 13811 2.24%
11 1346 3.36% 1295 3.37% 471 3.04% 343 4.02% 181 9.46% 18931 3.07%
12 1002 2.50% 959 2.49% 443 2.86% 264 3.09% 191 9.98% 15713 2.55%
13 1753 4.38% 1732 4.50% 908 5.86% 398 4.66% 198 10.34% 26645 4.33%
14 1666 4.16% 1596 4.15% 535 3.45% 435 5.09% 258 13.48% 24467 3.97%
15 1861 4.65% 1805 4.69% 585 3.78% 405 4.74% 284 14.84% 28323 4.60%
16 1481 3.70% 1445 3.76% 659 4.25% 341 3.99% 200 10.45% 23748 3.85%
17 1743 4.35% 1697 4.41% 483 3.12% 263 3.08% 171 8.93% 24076 3.91%
18 1012 2.53% 990 2.57% 367 2.37% 168 1.97% 122 6.37% 16537 2.68%
19 793 1.98% 734 1.91% 310 2.00% 164 1.92% 119 6.22% 11665 1.89%
20 1953 4.88% 1918 4.98% 520 3.36% 259 3.03% 162 8.46% 29239 4.75%
21 1323 3.30% 1267 3.29% 396 2.56% 268 3.14% 167 8.73% 19716 3.20%
22 1922 4.80% 1865 4.85% 854 5.51% 282 3.30% 174 9.09% 31095 5.05%
23 2259 5.64% 2201 5.72% 740 4.78% 331 3.88% 218 11.39% 32021 5.20%
24 1732 4.33% 1692 4.40% 495 3.19% 428 5.01% 202 10.55% 21437 3.48%
25 1603 4.00% 1543 4.01% 688 4.44% 455 5.33% 261 13.64% 23723 3.85%
26 2207 5.51% 2039 5.30% 986 6.36% 404 4.73% 234 12.23% 38733 6.29%
27 1378 3.44% 1350 3.51% 459 2.96% 347 4.06% 202 10.55% 19233 3.12%
28 1083 2.70% 1067 2.77% 323 2.08% 177 2.07% 144 7.52% 16618 2.70%

Hourly usage for February 2021

Hourly Statistics for February 2021
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 54 1532 3.83% 51 1431 3.72% 21 598 3.86% 879 24618 4.00%
1 52 1478 3.69% 50 1418 3.69% 17 489 3.16% 803 22489 3.65%
2 60 1706 4.26% 58 1636 4.25% 22 617 3.98% 961 26903 4.37%
3 66 1868 4.66% 64 1813 4.71% 33 933 6.02% 1006 28167 4.57%
4 48 1361 3.40% 48 1351 3.51% 17 501 3.23% 742 20777 3.37%
5 56 1592 3.98% 53 1501 3.90% 21 611 3.94% 855 23928 3.88%
6 34 964 2.41% 33 938 2.44% 15 442 2.85% 564 15789 2.56%
7 56 1574 3.93% 55 1559 4.05% 27 782 5.05% 856 23971 3.89%
8 55 1551 3.87% 53 1500 3.90% 25 705 4.55% 870 24360 3.95%
9 55 1552 3.88% 54 1530 3.98% 16 458 2.96% 828 23174 3.76%
10 59 1660 4.15% 51 1437 3.73% 35 984 6.35% 1053 29474 4.78%
11 62 1763 4.40% 60 1695 4.40% 22 619 4.00% 1007 28187 4.58%
12 58 1626 4.06% 57 1605 4.17% 20 570 3.68% 876 24515 3.98%
13 59 1670 4.17% 58 1637 4.25% 26 728 4.70% 931 26056 4.23%
14 39 1109 2.77% 37 1060 2.75% 18 506 3.27% 636 17806 2.89%
15 51 1453 3.63% 51 1435 3.73% 19 533 3.44% 790 22130 3.59%
16 66 1874 4.68% 65 1839 4.78% 26 736 4.75% 977 27369 4.44%
17 61 1709 4.27% 59 1658 4.31% 20 583 3.76% 880 24629 4.00%
18 90 2540 6.34% 89 2499 6.49% 40 1120 7.23% 1441 40355 6.55%
19 76 2151 5.37% 73 2070 5.38% 22 640 4.13% 1128 31585 5.13%
20 121 3415 8.53% 111 3115 8.10% 31 893 5.76% 1878 52595 8.54%
21 51 1440 3.60% 50 1408 3.66% 20 579 3.74% 802 22453 3.64%
22 47 1322 3.30% 46 1306 3.39% 15 439 2.83% 691 19345 3.14%
23 40 1134 2.83% 37 1039 2.70% 15 427 2.76% 550 15399 2.50%

Top 30 of 256 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2398 5.99% 59820 9.71% /
2 2260 5.64% 435 0.07% /shop/rd.php
3 2006 5.01% 253 0.04% /robots.txt
4 1857 4.64% 5689 0.92% /pattern/jquery.cookie.js
5 1781 4.45% 135102 21.93% /pattern/footable.min.js
6 1720 4.30% 6175 1.00% /pattern/copyright.js
7 1699 4.24% 31524 5.12% /pattern/footable.standalone.min.css
8 1685 4.21% 913 0.15% /pattern/common.css
9 1450 3.62% 387 0.06% /pattern/pc_scripts.js
10 1442 3.60% 5046 0.82% /pattern/ttips.js
11 1423 3.55% 2346 0.38% /pattern/main.css
12 1421 3.55% 9808 1.59% /pattern/styles.css
13 301 0.75% 261 0.04% /favicon.ico
14 293 0.73% 124 0.02% /pattern/mob_menu.js
15 264 0.66% 176 0.03% /pattern/mob_scripts.js
16 263 0.66% 1095 0.18% /pattern/mob_menu.css
17 256 0.64% 360 0.06% /pattern/mob.css
18 217 0.54% 7261 1.18% /visa.php
19 209 0.52% 6896 1.12% /eco.php
20 190 0.47% 4739 0.77% /about/symbols.php
21 159 0.40% 3891 0.63% /about/
22 151 0.38% 5406 0.88% /about/history.php
23 149 0.37% 3500 0.57% /about/state.php
24 145 0.36% 2947 0.48% /about/map.php
25 145 0.36% 3463 0.56% /news/
26 144 0.36% 3993 0.65% /answ.php
27 142 0.35% 3316 0.54% /gallery/10
28 142 0.35% 4844 0.79% /shop/dept_10
29 141 0.35% 3329 0.54% /mailto.php
30 130 0.32% 3341 0.54% /tickets.php

Top 10 of 256 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1781 4.45% 135102 21.93% /pattern/footable.min.js
2 2398 5.99% 59820 9.71% /
3 1699 4.24% 31524 5.12% /pattern/footable.standalone.min.css
4 1421 3.55% 9808 1.59% /pattern/styles.css
5 217 0.54% 7261 1.18% /visa.php
6 209 0.52% 6896 1.12% /eco.php
7 1720 4.30% 6175 1.00% /pattern/copyright.js
8 1857 4.64% 5689 0.92% /pattern/jquery.cookie.js
9 151 0.38% 5406 0.88% /about/history.php
10 1442 3.60% 5046 0.82% /pattern/ttips.js

Top 10 of 178 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2398 5.99% 1693 20.23% /
2 2260 5.64% 1298 15.51% /shop/rd.php
3 217 0.54% 167 2.00% /visa.php
4 209 0.52% 136 1.63% /eco.php
5 190 0.47% 115 1.37% /about/symbols.php
6 159 0.40% 84 1.00% /about/
7 142 0.35% 84 1.00% /shop/dept_10
8 142 0.35% 78 0.93% /gallery/10
9 151 0.38% 76 0.91% /about/history.php
10 145 0.36% 76 0.91% /about/map.php

Top 10 of 177 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2398 5.99% 1606 19.17% /
2 2260 5.64% 1314 15.68% /shop/rd.php
3 217 0.54% 172 2.05% /visa.php
4 209 0.52% 128 1.53% /eco.php
5 190 0.47% 118 1.41% /about/symbols.php
6 142 0.35% 99 1.18% /shop/dept_10
7 149 0.37% 89 1.06% /about/state.php
8 142 0.35% 84 1.00% /gallery/10
9 130 0.32% 77 0.92% /tickets.php
10 159 0.40% 76 0.91% /about/

Top 30 of 1914 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 8598 21.47% 8119 21.10% 135483 21.99% 1078 12.63% Invalid
2 1798 4.49% 1790 4.65% 32487 5.27% 307 3.60%
3 921 2.30% 844 2.19% 14126 2.29% 20 0.23%
4 669 1.67% 620 1.61% 10108 1.64% 14 0.16%
5 484 1.21% 442 1.15% 7468 1.21% 8 0.09%
6 480 1.20% 478 1.24% 6307 1.02% 160 1.87%
7 412 1.03% 388 1.01% 7022 1.14% 76 0.89% hn.kd.ny.adsl
8 303 0.76% 303 0.79% 3856 0.63% 23 0.27%
9 277 0.69% 277 0.72% 4197 0.68% 18 0.21%
10 267 0.67% 267 0.69% 3492 0.57% 22 0.26%
11 242 0.60% 242 0.63% 5428 0.88% 240 2.81%
12 228 0.57% 218 0.57% 4037 0.66% 3 0.04%
13 227 0.57% 217 0.56% 4023 0.65% 3 0.04%
14 221 0.55% 221 0.57% 3113 0.51% 19 0.22%
15 217 0.54% 217 0.56% 4049 0.66% 1 0.01%
16 195 0.49% 195 0.51% 4225 0.69% 20 0.23%
17 190 0.47% 189 0.49% 2511 0.41% 15 0.18%
18 190 0.47% 190 0.49% 2532 0.41% 16 0.19%
19 187 0.47% 179 0.47% 2845 0.46% 12 0.14%
20 187 0.47% 187 0.49% 4631 0.75% 2 0.02%
21 183 0.46% 183 0.48% 4516 0.73% 82 0.96%
22 181 0.45% 177 0.46% 2180 0.35% 53 0.62%
23 180 0.45% 179 0.47% 2178 0.35% 13 0.15%
24 173 0.43% 173 0.45% 4529 0.74% 94 1.10%
25 169 0.42% 169 0.44% 2581 0.42% 12 0.14%
26 156 0.39% 156 0.41% 2017 0.33% 7 0.08%
27 153 0.38% 152 0.40% 1106 0.18% 139 1.63%
28 153 0.38% 153 0.40% 1865 0.30% 12 0.14%
29 148 0.37% 148 0.38% 1905 0.31% 10 0.12%
30 148 0.37% 148 0.38% 2009 0.33% 9 0.11%

Top 10 of 1914 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 8598 21.47% 8119 21.10% 135483 21.99% 1078 12.63% Invalid
2 1798 4.49% 1790 4.65% 32487 5.27% 307 3.60%
3 921 2.30% 844 2.19% 14126 2.29% 20 0.23%
4 669 1.67% 620 1.61% 10108 1.64% 14 0.16%
5 484 1.21% 442 1.15% 7468 1.21% 8 0.09%
6 412 1.03% 388 1.01% 7022 1.14% 76 0.89% hn.kd.ny.adsl
7 480 1.20% 478 1.24% 6307 1.02% 160 1.87%
8 242 0.60% 242 0.63% 5428 0.88% 240 2.81%
9 187 0.47% 187 0.49% 4631 0.75% 2 0.02%
10 173 0.43% 173 0.45% 4529 0.74% 94 1.10%

Top 30 of 359 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 14459 36.11% - (Direct Request)
2 294 0.73%
3 246 0.61%
4 110 0.27%
5 75 0.19%
6 50 0.12%
7 50 0.12%
8 50 0.12%
9 50 0.12%
10 50 0.12%
11 50 0.12%
12 50 0.12%
13 46 0.11%
14 41 0.10%
15 33 0.08%
16 27 0.07%
17 17 0.04%
18 15 0.04% LUXEMBURG.RU
19 15 0.04%
20 15 0.04%
21 15 0.04%
22 12 0.03%
23 12 0.03%
24 12 0.03%
25 11 0.03%
26 11 0.03%
27 10 0.02%
28 9 0.02%
29 9 0.02%
30 9 0.02%

Top 1 of 1 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 187 0.47% 187 0.49% 4631 0.75% 2 0.02% adva

Top 15 of 1097 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 1798 4.49% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Adsbot/3.1)
2 1642 4.10% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
3 1551 3.87% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Linux x86_64; Mail.RU_Bot/2.0; +
4 1383 3.45% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
5 1358 3.39% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
6 1207 3.01% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.0.4; Galaxy Nexus Build/IMM76B) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; Mediapartners-Google) Ch
7 1101 2.75% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko, Mediapartners-Google) Chrome/88.0.4324.
8 950 2.37% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 YaBrowser/ Yowser/2
9 660 1.65% Mozilla/5.0
10 652 1.63% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 8.1.0; zh-CN; EML-AL00 Build/HUAWEIEML-AL00) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.
11 650 1.62% Re-re Studio (+
12 556 1.39% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.60 YaBrowser/ Yo
13 530 1.32% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +
14 463 1.16% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 YaBrowser/ Yowser/
15 423 1.06% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SEOkicks; +

Usage by Country for February 2021

Top 30 of 35 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 14339 35.81% 14187 36.87% 182931 29.69% Russian Federation
2 13379 33.41% 12836 33.36% 233738 37.94% Commercial (com)
3 9078 22.67% 8516 22.13% 143760 23.33% Unresolved/Unknown
4 1268 3.17% 1131 2.94% 20197 3.28% Network (net)
5 1078 2.69% 1024 2.66% 19954 3.24% Germany
6 278 0.69% 258 0.67% 5175 0.84% European Union
7 123 0.31% 89 0.23% 2584 0.42% United States
8 115 0.29% 115 0.30% 1660 0.27% Turks and Caicos Islands
9 78 0.19% 76 0.20% 1643 0.27% Ukraine
10 77 0.19% 77 0.20% 876 0.14% Luxembourg
11 50 0.12% 38 0.10% 467 0.08% China
12 23 0.06% 2 0.01% 541 0.09% Non-Profit (org)
13 18 0.04% 14 0.04% 414 0.07% St. Pierre and Miquelon
14 16 0.04% 16 0.04% 176 0.03% Estonia
15 16 0.04% 16 0.04% 231 0.04% Israel
16 16 0.04% 16 0.04% 199 0.03% Tuvalu
17 15 0.04% 15 0.04% 145 0.02% France
18 14 0.03% 14 0.04% 185 0.03% Lithuania
19 13 0.03% 13 0.03% 153 0.02% Generic Business (biz)
20 13 0.03% 12 0.03% 156 0.03% Czech Republic
21 11 0.03% 0 0.00% 257 0.04% Switzerland
22 7 0.02% 7 0.02% 168 0.03% Wallis and Futuna Islands
23 4 0.01% 0 0.00% 93 0.02% Sweden
24 3 0.01% 0 0.00% 70 0.01% Hungary
25 2 0.00% 2 0.01% 51 0.01% Cocos (Keeling) Islands
26 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 23 0.00% Catalan Community (cat)
27 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 26 0.00% Austria
28 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 26 0.00% Brazil
29 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 26 0.00% Belarus
30 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 26 0.00% India

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23