Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: August 2021
Generated 01-Sep-2021 03:02 MSK

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for August 2021
Total Hits 35962
Total Files 31699
Total Pages 20141
Total Visits 12141
Total KBytes 635592
Total Unique Sites 2118
Total Unique URLs 365
Total Unique Referrers 378
Total Unique User Agents 1198
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 48 530
Hits per Day 1160 1851
Files per Day 1022 1510
Pages per Day 649 1182
Sites per Day 68 344
Visits per Day 391 570
KBytes per Day 20503 36850
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 88.15% 31699
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 1.04% 374
Code 303 - See Other 6.36% 2286
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.06% 20
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.00% 1
Code 404 - Not Found 4.40% 1582

Daily usage for August 2021

Daily Statistics for August 2021
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1399 3.89% 1324 4.18% 664 3.30% 483 3.98% 344 16.24% 25178 3.96%
2 1594 4.43% 1510 4.76% 835 4.15% 570 4.69% 284 13.41% 28054 4.41%
3 1223 3.40% 1092 3.44% 663 3.29% 427 3.52% 218 10.29% 23094 3.63%
4 1432 3.98% 1243 3.92% 901 4.47% 466 3.84% 247 11.66% 26892 4.23%
5 1620 4.50% 1105 3.49% 856 4.25% 392 3.23% 243 11.47% 32206 5.07%
6 1310 3.64% 1040 3.28% 671 3.33% 438 3.61% 240 11.33% 23260 3.66%
7 1426 3.97% 1357 4.28% 640 3.18% 434 3.57% 239 11.28% 21970 3.46%
8 968 2.69% 903 2.85% 652 3.24% 398 3.28% 177 8.36% 15983 2.51%
9 442 1.23% 412 1.30% 319 1.58% 171 1.41% 104 4.91% 8559 1.35%
10 706 1.96% 637 2.01% 393 1.95% 202 1.66% 152 7.18% 13074 2.06%
11 881 2.45% 783 2.47% 643 3.19% 376 3.10% 191 9.02% 17874 2.81%
12 1125 3.13% 952 3.00% 708 3.52% 468 3.85% 192 9.07% 21913 3.45%
13 1502 4.18% 1411 4.45% 735 3.65% 498 4.10% 299 14.12% 26273 4.13%
14 972 2.70% 877 2.77% 595 2.95% 379 3.12% 209 9.87% 17467 2.75%
15 921 2.56% 864 2.73% 425 2.11% 317 2.61% 166 7.84% 14491 2.28%
16 1123 3.12% 1042 3.29% 590 2.93% 328 2.70% 180 8.50% 20922 3.29%
17 793 2.21% 725 2.29% 436 2.16% 302 2.49% 196 9.25% 13840 2.18%
18 1575 4.38% 1347 4.25% 681 3.38% 461 3.80% 301 14.21% 27744 4.37%
19 1477 4.11% 1290 4.07% 830 4.12% 432 3.56% 191 9.02% 28137 4.43%
20 954 2.65% 742 2.34% 521 2.59% 327 2.69% 205 9.68% 16755 2.64%
21 945 2.63% 856 2.70% 488 2.42% 376 3.10% 173 8.17% 16008 2.52%
22 1089 3.03% 1017 3.21% 538 2.67% 319 2.63% 213 10.06% 18946 2.98%
23 1851 5.15% 1473 4.65% 1074 5.33% 490 4.04% 318 15.01% 36850 5.80%
24 1652 4.59% 1483 4.68% 1182 5.87% 380 3.13% 257 12.13% 30296 4.77%
25 885 2.46% 699 2.21% 718 3.56% 348 2.87% 161 7.60% 9258 1.46%
26 707 1.97% 620 1.96% 487 2.42% 289 2.38% 155 7.32% 11136 1.75%
27 997 2.77% 892 2.81% 608 3.02% 462 3.81% 243 11.47% 14782 2.33%
28 1062 2.95% 936 2.95% 572 2.84% 438 3.61% 231 10.91% 17480 2.75%
29 1505 4.18% 1421 4.48% 681 3.38% 491 4.04% 261 12.32% 24170 3.80%
30 977 2.72% 867 2.74% 535 2.66% 399 3.29% 222 10.48% 17094 2.69%
31 849 2.36% 779 2.46% 500 2.48% 281 2.31% 183 8.64% 15886 2.50%

Hourly usage for August 2021

Hourly Statistics for August 2021
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 37 1158 3.22% 34 1061 3.35% 22 693 3.44% 696 21578 3.39%
1 36 1142 3.18% 34 1067 3.37% 22 712 3.54% 654 20282 3.19%
2 40 1260 3.50% 35 1103 3.48% 24 758 3.76% 764 23687 3.73%
3 40 1241 3.45% 35 1115 3.52% 23 742 3.68% 708 21950 3.45%
4 32 1009 2.81% 28 896 2.83% 20 633 3.14% 589 18246 2.87%
5 34 1058 2.94% 30 931 2.94% 20 628 3.12% 606 18790 2.96%
6 37 1159 3.22% 34 1067 3.37% 20 645 3.20% 663 20557 3.23%
7 39 1233 3.43% 36 1127 3.56% 21 660 3.28% 693 21493 3.38%
8 42 1331 3.70% 39 1225 3.86% 25 778 3.86% 750 23256 3.66%
9 36 1132 3.15% 33 1033 3.26% 21 660 3.28% 648 20091 3.16%
10 48 1515 4.21% 42 1312 4.14% 27 855 4.25% 918 28449 4.48%
11 51 1600 4.45% 43 1341 4.23% 30 952 4.73% 751 23289 3.66%
12 53 1646 4.58% 47 1467 4.63% 27 841 4.18% 930 28829 4.54%
13 59 1840 5.12% 39 1221 3.85% 32 1004 4.98% 1165 36129 5.68%
14 53 1654 4.60% 46 1445 4.56% 30 939 4.66% 941 29169 4.59%
15 48 1515 4.21% 44 1382 4.36% 27 837 4.16% 789 24459 3.85%
16 46 1456 4.05% 38 1182 3.73% 26 829 4.12% 813 25199 3.96%
17 37 1162 3.23% 35 1088 3.43% 22 701 3.48% 675 20924 3.29%
18 47 1459 4.06% 40 1258 3.97% 24 763 3.79% 843 26134 4.11%
19 97 3030 8.43% 91 2826 8.92% 41 1299 6.45% 1620 50212 7.90%
20 57 1784 4.96% 54 1692 5.34% 25 786 3.90% 951 29478 4.64%
21 56 1757 4.89% 52 1640 5.17% 30 945 4.69% 994 30814 4.85%
22 67 2105 5.85% 61 1913 6.03% 47 1468 7.29% 1274 39494 6.21%
23 55 1716 4.77% 42 1307 4.12% 32 1013 5.03% 1067 33082 5.20%

Top 30 of 365 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2689 7.48% 74055 11.65% /
2 2454 6.82% 326 0.05% /robots.txt
3 2011 5.59% 387 0.06% /shop/rd.php
4 1623 4.51% 41572 6.54% /mailto.php
5 1175 3.27% 89132 14.02% /pattern/footable.min.js
6 1158 3.22% 3550 0.56% /pattern/jquery.cookie.js
7 1135 3.16% 4074 0.64% /pattern/copyright.js
8 1108 3.08% 601 0.09% /pattern/common.css
9 1100 3.06% 20410 3.21% /pattern/footable.standalone.min.css
10 990 2.75% 3467 0.55% /pattern/ttips.js
11 981 2.73% 264 0.04% /pattern/pc_scripts.js
12 951 2.64% 6564 1.03% /pattern/styles.css
13 947 2.63% 1863 0.29% /pattern/main.css
14 243 0.68% 212 0.03% /favicon.ico
15 191 0.53% 81 0.01% /pattern/mob_menu.js
16 174 0.48% 244 0.04% /pattern/mob.css
17 169 0.47% 3785 0.60% /about/map.php
18 166 0.46% 691 0.11% /pattern/mob_menu.css
19 164 0.46% 110 0.02% /pattern/mob_scripts.js
20 164 0.46% 5814 0.91% /sport.php
21 157 0.44% 5989 0.94% /eco.php
22 156 0.43% 4175 0.66% /tickets.php
23 151 0.42% 4589 0.72% /links/
24 145 0.40% 4314 0.68% /answ.php
25 144 0.40% 3427 0.54% /visa/
26 140 0.39% 7227 1.14% /vidy.php
27 136 0.38% 3464 0.54% /news/
28 134 0.37% 4479 0.70% /services/legisl.php
29 133 0.37% 3088 0.49% /visa/russia.php
30 120 0.33% 3383 0.53% /firms/

Top 10 of 365 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1175 3.27% 89132 14.02% /pattern/footable.min.js
2 2689 7.48% 74055 11.65% /
3 1623 4.51% 41572 6.54% /mailto.php
4 1100 3.06% 20410 3.21% /pattern/footable.standalone.min.css
5 140 0.39% 7227 1.14% /vidy.php
6 951 2.64% 6564 1.03% /pattern/styles.css
7 157 0.44% 5989 0.94% /eco.php
8 164 0.46% 5814 0.91% /sport.php
9 151 0.42% 4589 0.72% /links/
10 134 0.37% 4479 0.70% /services/legisl.php

Top 10 of 222 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2689 7.48% 2442 20.66% /
2 2011 5.59% 1357 11.48% /shop/rd.php
3 1623 4.51% 873 7.39% /mailto.php
4 156 0.43% 113 0.96% /tickets.php
5 164 0.46% 109 0.92% /sport.php
6 169 0.47% 103 0.87% /about/map.php
7 157 0.44% 99 0.84% /eco.php
8 151 0.42% 93 0.79% /links/
9 140 0.39% 92 0.78% /vidy.php
10 144 0.40% 92 0.78% /visa/

Top 10 of 223 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2689 7.48% 2416 20.32% /
2 2011 5.59% 1370 11.52% /shop/rd.php
3 1623 4.51% 875 7.36% /mailto.php
4 169 0.47% 113 0.95% /about/map.php
5 144 0.40% 103 0.87% /visa/
6 156 0.43% 100 0.84% /tickets.php
7 164 0.46% 99 0.83% /sport.php
8 151 0.42% 98 0.82% /links/
9 136 0.38% 93 0.78% /news/
10 157 0.44% 90 0.76% /eco.php

Top 30 of 2118 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 6081 16.91% 4634 14.62% 120532 18.96% 1191 9.81% Invalid
2 1489 4.14% 1487 4.69% 27009 4.25% 780 6.42%
3 547 1.52% 513 1.62% 11311 1.78% 10 0.08%
4 444 1.23% 409 1.29% 6454 1.02% 91 0.75% hn.kd.ny.adsl
5 331 0.92% 321 1.01% 8341 1.31% 38 0.31%
6 306 0.85% 198 0.62% 5215 0.82% 184 1.52%
7 297 0.83% 193 0.61% 5044 0.79% 174 1.43%
8 291 0.81% 184 0.58% 5240 0.82% 175 1.44%
9 287 0.80% 192 0.61% 4643 0.73% 173 1.42%
10 283 0.79% 184 0.58% 5154 0.81% 179 1.47%
11 282 0.78% 185 0.58% 4860 0.76% 171 1.41%
12 265 0.74% 164 0.52% 4445 0.70% 156 1.28%
13 265 0.74% 222 0.70% 4032 0.63% 5 0.04%
14 265 0.74% 136 0.43% 152 0.02% 1 0.01%
15 261 0.73% 168 0.53% 4554 0.72% 156 1.28%
16 254 0.71% 243 0.77% 5275 0.83% 4 0.03%
17 251 0.70% 158 0.50% 4840 0.76% 150 1.24%
18 243 0.68% 243 0.77% 3085 0.49% 0 0.00%
19 234 0.65% 234 0.74% 2971 0.47% 0 0.00%
20 228 0.63% 203 0.64% 4294 0.68% 140 1.15%
21 216 0.60% 162 0.51% 3588 0.56% 7 0.06%
22 216 0.60% 190 0.60% 3337 0.53% 6 0.05%
23 207 0.58% 207 0.65% 2628 0.41% 0 0.00%
24 205 0.57% 187 0.59% 2482 0.39% 20 0.16%
25 192 0.53% 123 0.39% 3166 0.50% 114 0.94%
26 178 0.49% 115 0.36% 3128 0.49% 110 0.91%
27 178 0.49% 110 0.35% 3136 0.49% 106 0.87%
28 174 0.48% 109 0.34% 3006 0.47% 105 0.86%
29 171 0.48% 171 0.54% 2171 0.34% 0 0.00%
30 170 0.47% 170 0.54% 4841 0.76% 104 0.86%

Top 10 of 2118 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 6081 16.91% 4634 14.62% 120532 18.96% 1191 9.81% Invalid
2 1489 4.14% 1487 4.69% 27009 4.25% 780 6.42%
3 547 1.52% 513 1.62% 11311 1.78% 10 0.08%
4 331 0.92% 321 1.01% 8341 1.31% 38 0.31%
5 444 1.23% 409 1.29% 6454 1.02% 91 0.75% hn.kd.ny.adsl
6 254 0.71% 243 0.77% 5275 0.83% 4 0.03%
7 291 0.81% 184 0.58% 5240 0.82% 175 1.44%
8 306 0.85% 198 0.62% 5215 0.82% 184 1.52%
9 283 0.79% 184 0.58% 5154 0.81% 179 1.47%
10 297 0.83% 193 0.61% 5044 0.79% 174 1.43%

Top 30 of 378 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 21256 59.11% - (Direct Request)
2 301 0.84%
3 280 0.78%
4 90 0.25%
5 79 0.22%
6 42 0.12%
7 41 0.11%
9 18 0.05%
10 14 0.04%
11 12 0.03%
12 12 0.03%
13 12 0.03%
14 10 0.03%
15 10 0.03%
16 9 0.03%
17 7 0.02%
18 7 0.02%
19 6 0.02%
20 6 0.02%
21 6 0.02%
22 6 0.02%
23 6 0.02%
24 6 0.02%
25 5 0.01%
26 4 0.01%
27 4 0.01%
28 4 0.01%
29 4 0.01%
30 4 0.01%

Top 15 of 1198 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 7199 20.02% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
2 3570 9.93% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; PetalBot;+https://
3 2081 5.79% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +
4 1979 5.50% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
5 1473 4.10% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Linux x86_64; Mail.RU_Bot/2.0; +
6 1381 3.84% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
7 776 2.16% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; BLEXBot/1.0; +
8 716 1.99% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 8.1.0; zh-CN; EML-AL00 Build/HUAWEIEML-AL00) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.
9 671 1.87% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
10 628 1.75% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36
11 610 1.70% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
12 581 1.62% Re-re Studio (+
13 533 1.48% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; + AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.268
14 470 1.31% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 4.0.4; Galaxy Nexus Build/IMM76B) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; Mediapartners-Google) Ch
15 348 0.97% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) HeadlessChrome/85.0.4182.0 Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for August 2021

Top 30 of 45 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 22138 61.56% 20107 63.43% 393159 61.86% Commercial (com)
2 6610 18.38% 5096 16.08% 128952 20.29% Unresolved/Unknown
3 4030 11.21% 3984 12.57% 50095 7.88% Russian Federation
4 1083 3.01% 857 2.70% 24889 3.92% Network (net)
5 858 2.39% 685 2.16% 12560 1.98% Germany
6 393 1.09% 371 1.17% 9642 1.52% European Union
7 147 0.41% 136 0.43% 3137 0.49% Ukraine
8 133 0.37% 3 0.01% 2216 0.35% Sweden
9 91 0.25% 84 0.26% 998 0.16% United Kingdom
10 72 0.20% 71 0.22% 1761 0.28% France
11 56 0.16% 56 0.18% 621 0.10% Moldova
12 52 0.14% 16 0.05% 1340 0.21% Non-Profit (org)
13 38 0.11% 21 0.07% 919 0.14% St. Pierre and Miquelon
14 38 0.11% 38 0.12% 638 0.10% Turks and Caicos Islands
15 26 0.07% 26 0.08% 297 0.05% Address Routing (arpa)
16 26 0.07% 26 0.08% 331 0.05% Czech Republic
17 21 0.06% 19 0.06% 358 0.06% United States
18 17 0.05% 17 0.05% 231 0.04% Kazakhstan
19 14 0.04% 2 0.01% 364 0.06% Netherlands
20 14 0.04% 14 0.04% 369 0.06% Wallis and Futuna Islands
21 12 0.03% 3 0.01% 308 0.05% Luxembourg
22 10 0.03% 10 0.03% 259 0.04% Belarus
23 8 0.02% 8 0.03% 206 0.03% Poland
24 8 0.02% 8 0.03% 204 0.03% Viet Nam
25 7 0.02% 3 0.01% 180 0.03% Switzerland
26 6 0.02% 1 0.00% 156 0.02% Japan
27 6 0.02% 5 0.02% 154 0.02% Seychelles
28 6 0.02% 0 0.00% 154 0.02% Turkey
29 4 0.01% 4 0.01% 103 0.02% Generic TLD (info)
30 4 0.01% 4 0.01% 102 0.02% Israel

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23